Jim’s Pest Control offer all types of pest control services in Wollongong and the Illawarra Region. Our local techs servicing the area are experienced, fully trained, and insured. You can trust the Jim’s name to help you with any pest problem.
Get in touch with us by calling 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.
Since 2011, Jim’s Pest Control has been helping Wollongong locals with pest problems. We have treated thousands of homes and businesses, successfully eliminating pests in the process.
Our techs servicing the area are trained in all aspects of pest control, and that places our clients at a distinct advantage as we can identify more pressing pest problems.
For instance, a client called us out to perform a routine general pest treatment. As the tech was performing his pre-treatment check, he noticed some subtle signs of termites in a wall.
He quickly went out and grabbed some termite inspection equipment from the vehicle. Soon he was able to confirm that there was a termite colony hiding in the walls.
The client was completely unaware that termites were munching on their home.
If our tech were not fully trained in all aspects of pest control, he would have easily missed theses signs. It would have been an unmitigated disaster for the client if left unchecked.
Jim’s offers all pest control services in Wollongong
We train our local technicians in all aspects of pest control. It does not matter what pest control services that you may require, our techs will be able to help.
Often clients have more than one pest issue, and Jim’s understands this. We absolutely do not see any benefit to the client sending someone out with limited knowledge and skills.
Even if you come across an uncommon pest, we will be able to come up with a solution. The reason being is that all local techs have 24/7 access to a senior pest expert.
This access is why our local pest techs can treat any pest you may have.
Our pest control services include:
Short pest control services FAQs
How much is the average pest control service?
It will depend on which company you use as to how much the average pest control service is. Generally, you can expect to pay on average $240 for a quality service on a standard 3-bedroom home.
Are pest control services worth the money?
Often the store brought products will not resolve your pest issues and you can end up spending a substantial amount of money. If you added up all the money that you spent, it will often have been cheaper to get a professional in. Therefore, having professional pest control services is worth the money.
Is monthly pest control necessary?
If a good pest control treatment is performed it is not necessary to have monthly pest control. The only exception to this is if you have a cockroach infestation, bedbugs, or a commercial food outlet.
How often do you really need pest control?
You really need to have pest control performed every 6 months to keep all the bugs under control. However, most people prefer to have it completed annually.